Monday, November 21, 2005

REFLECTION 6: Presenting information in multiple formats

In What is Universal Design for Learning? (Rose & Meyer, 2002), the authors discuss the principles of Universal design and how design can provide different learning opportunities based on learning styles through the use of multimedia. The authors cite Universal Design for LEarning (UDL) as being able:

  • To represent information in multiple formats and media.
  • To provide multiple pathways for students’ action and expression.
  • To provide multiple ways to engage students’ interest and motivation.
  • --(Rose & Meyer, 2002)

    In order to achieve those goals, a designer/educator must follow these three principles:

    Principle 1:
    To support recognition learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of presentation
    Principle 2:
    To support strategic learning, provide multiple, flexible methods of expression and apprenticeship.
    Principle 3:
    To support affective learning, provide multiple, flexible options for engagement.

    Although my project is not learning centered in that it tries to teach a specific lesson with an expected level of mastery (as defined by a quiz, completing a certain task, etc.) , my project does allow for exploration of creativity from artistic perspectives. The hope (goal) is that there will be intrinsic learning and awareness that occurs through reflection and interest in the material presented. This reflection and awareness will hopefully spark interest in how people view their own creativity.

    My goal is that exploration and learning will occur through multiple media materials presented. There will be no formal beginning to end structure (linear), instead users will be able to choose whichever section interests them. Furthermore, there is no requirement for the number of sections which a user must view. Instead any, all, or even some, will (hopefully) provide enough interesting content to encourage thinking. Users/learners/participants will be able to listen to artists, watch artists, look at artwork, read written thoughts on creativity, and provide their own insights into creativity.

    Although each of these components will not be duplicated identically, there should be enough crossover to provide material to appeal to users of various learning styles.

    PROJECT PROCESS: Currently, I am working to flesh out the resources, as well as doing followup video edits. Additionally, I am working on providing a means for participants to add their own contributions in terms of their thoughts on creativity (this may be a blog, messageboard, or guestbook, dependent upon the limitations of the arches server). I will also post the questions that I have presented. The response has been very interesting so far, and I hope that the project is useful and interesting.


    Rose, D. & Meyer, A.(2002). What is Universal Design for Learning? in Rose, D. & Meyer, A.(2002). Teaching every student in the digital age: Universal design for learning. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

    Word Count: 436

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